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PutPic                   Writes Buffer Contents into Area on Screen

 PutPic(var Buffer : <type>; X,Y : Integer);                          [XG/TP]

    Copies the contents of the buffer, Buffer, onto the screen at pixel
    location (X,Y), which defines the lower left corner of the area.
    Buffer must have previously been loaded up using GetPic.

            Dest    A variable of any type.

             X,Y    Screen coordinates (column, row); lower-left corner of
                    area in pixels.

          Notes:    The extended graphics external declaration file
                    GRAPH.P must be included to use this procedure.

                    The video display must be in graphics mode before this
                    procedure is called.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
           {$I GRAPH.P }

             Temp : array[1..518] of Byte;

             GraphMode;                     { 320x200 mode }
             Circle(160,100,80,1);          { draw circle  }
             FillShape(160,100,3,1);        { and fill     }
             GetPic(Temp,80,48,111,79);     { save chunk   }
             FillScreen(0);                 { clear screen }
             PutPic(Temp,80,79);            { put chunk    }
             Readln;                        { pause        }
             TextMode                       { text mode    }

See Also: GetPic
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson